
Hair Of The Dog - Life With English - 英日日記 -

October 19, 2006

If I heard it correct, in a recent episode of "Bewitched", I heard "a hair of the dog".
"A hair of the dog" is "Mukaezake" in Japanese. Did you know? But it was my first time to hear it used in a conversation.

It's another memorable expression for me.
When I took the exam for licensed interpreter-tour guide, one of the problems was to translate "Mukaezake" to English. I had no idea so I ended up writing "alcohol we drink to cure a hangover". It's an explanation, not an English word equivalent to "Mukaezake". I just tried! Better try than do nothing. (I just made up this proverb-like expression.)
When I checked the answers and knew it was "a hair of the dog", I was surprised. Where does this come from?

The expression is a short form of "hair of the dog that bit you." So, that's why it's "the dog" not "a dog".
I found this explanation at http://experts.about.com/q/Etymology-Meaning-Words-1474/Phrase-origin.htm.


"The Romans and many ancient peoples before them believed that like cures like. They would bind the hairs of a dog that had bitten someone to that very person's wound to make it heal better EVEN of the dog was rabid. The treatment was recommended for centuries by serious medical books and just about the only change until medi  eval   times was that the burnt hair of the dog that bit you was prescribed. By then it was also believed that the best cure for a hangover was a drink of the same poison that made you drunk the night before. The old proverb 'a hair of the dog that bit you' applied to this practice."

But I asked some native speakers of English if they knew this expression, many of them said they had heard it but hadn't used it before.

By the way, "like cures like…"..
Then we can cure obesity by having a lot of sweets? Nope, don't you even think of that. (Well, I'm telling to myself.)
That reminds me. When I was skinny, I didn't like very sweet food like chocolate parfait. Oh, but it was when I was some pounds ago. Now I love chocolate parfait, thank you very much.
Here is another ohio's law; Fat calls for more fat. (T_T)


このまえ「奥様は魔女」で "hair of the dog"って言ってたような気がする。
"hair of the dog" は日本語で「迎え酒」のことです。ご存知でした?

で、答えをチェックしてたら"hair of the dog"と書いてあって驚きました。語源はなに?


"hair of the dog"は"hair of the dog that bit you"の省略形だそうです。それで a dog じゃなくて the dog なんだ〜。

「ローマ時代の人やそれ以前の時代の人たちは、Like cures like.− 似たようなものが治療に効く。ということを信じていました。かれらは犬にかまれたとき、早く治るようにかまれた傷の上に噛んだ犬の毛を巻きつけました。その犬が狂犬病でもです。この治療法は何世紀にもわたりまじめな医療本で薦められていました。中世になって犬の毛を焼いたものが処方されるようになりました。その頃には、二日酔いを治すために前夜に飲んだお酒を飲むのがいちばんいいと信じられるようになっていました。それで'a hair of the dog that bit you'という古いことわざがこの習慣に当てはめられました。」


ところで、Like cures like.−似たようなものが治療に効く・・
じゃあ、甘いものを食べると肥満が治るとか?? ありえねえ、そんなことちょっとでも考えたらいけませーん。(←自分に言っている。)
それで思い出した。やせていたときは、チョコレートパフェのようなすごく甘い食べ物は好きじゃなかった。でも、ああ、それも何キロか前のお話・・ 今じゃー大好きです、おかげさまで。
もうひとつのオハイオの法則 : 脂肪は脂肪を呼ぶ。(T_T)

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